Thursday, June 15, 2006

Absence HAS Made My Heart Grow Fonder...for RA!

RA = Richard Armitage, British Actor

Where on earth have I been?? You might ask…fearing for the worst. That somehow my RAdoration has waned.

I’m hear to tell ya that it just ain’t so! It is fervent as is my RAdmiration, and RAttraction for the god now known worldwide as Richard Armitage. I’m just been a tad busy visiting my own real life for the past month and a half. And writing chapters and chapters of my fanfic “Back Down (at) Fleece” which is loosely based upon his character John Standring from the beloved “Sparkhouse.” As well as loping off to dream up a few others based upon characters created so wonderfully by the talented and hunky Mister A (is for Armitage)!

Time flies, it appears, whether or not you’re having fun! LOL!

March came in like a lamb and went out like a lion! Was here and then gone in a nano second. But at least, I did manage to post here early in the lamb part.

April…but a distant memory…although the fervor did begin to heat up as “The Impressionists” starring said god RA as Claude “Moan…A” rapidly approached its air dates (30th April, 7th & 14th May). Once I again entered the 18th century but this time in France as a fly on Moan…A’s paint-splattered wall. Needless to say, one gander at those gorgeous blue eyes and I was a lost cause.

So many delicious smiles on screen…those gorgeous blue eyes…and said god RA using his deep, rich, chocolaty purr all interspersed throughout the three eps was definitely distracting…to say the least! Once again, I had my own ways of snatching the eps from somewhere and thoroughly and quickly enjoyed seeing him on screen, acting his tight, little butt off.

Oh…I nearly forgot…back up in the late March/early April portion of my excuse-making, I should have mentioned that we had a mini-blitz of RA goodies in the media. He was interviewed on the radio by someone who was clearly thrown by the level of fem support that RA has with his army of women fanRAbids. RA seems much better able to incorporate all of this RAdoration into his day2day but this radio git seemed to think we should have been writing essay questions instead of droogling emails! Silly git!!

Here’s one of the new yummerific shots that was on the cover of the The Sunday Times “Culture” magazine insert on 30 April 2006. The original had a wonderful little caption, “Move over, Darcy” which we all RAdored! A sweet Britster sent me a real copy of the magazine which I’ve added to my trove!

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He looks so smolderingly broody…perfect shot for a brooder tracker comme moi!

Just because I totally believe in sharing the goodies, here’s the photo from inside spread deliciously across pages 6 & 7…

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Good, little brooder gal…always thinking of others! LOL!

Plus, “Radio Times” did a multi-page thing about “TI” and RA himself with this marvelous shot…I call this one “Chesticle man” for obvious reasons! It’s obviously left over from his “Cold Feet” flirty, girty Lee Richards days when all actors seem to go through some of these beefcake shots. Thank the Lord for large favors!

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“Aren’t they lovely…just feast your greedy eyes on than expanse of muscular skin…and my what long legs you have, Grandma!” saith Little Red Broodinghood!

What good children you’ve been…Momma Brooders is sharing THREE scrumptiously delicious screen caps this time!

Anyway, back to end of April et al. The first ep of “TI” was broadcast during the family hour on BBC 1 which is a bit of a coup. I loved every minute of it. First person on screen and first credit? RICHARD ARMITAGE! Totally kewl…
The production put faces, personalities, and paintings together in my brain in such a way that I can now actually tell the differences between the styles of Manet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, and of course, “Moan…A” himself. We met the very first Missus Moan…A, Camille, who was portrayed by a very lovely, tallish actress named Isobel Pravda. Such a beautiful face, this brooder gal almost thot SHE’d like to paint her in a green dress! It was a pleasant treat to see him bend his head only slightly to kiss her. His BEW gaze was unbelievably gorgeous to view and slobber over. Whoops! Meant to say, droogle over!

Episode 2 rolled along and the lovely Camille withers away into nothinghood while “Moan…A” discovers his second wife who is inconveniently already married to another. She’s not so tall and the actress portraying her has a bad habit of overusing her bug eyes to indicate emotional reactions a little bit too much for my taste. I understand that she’s actually a marvelous actress by the name of Amanda Root. I do admit that their initial scene together was very good but I could see her acting and I always hate to see it be so obvious. All of the artists had me believing that they had morphed into their characters so Missus Moan…A numero due to-be reminded me that there was acting involved and not morphing. Something said god RA is never guilty of displaying actual acting on-screen as he has perfected the art of morphing.

By the time episode 3 fell into my sticky brooder paws, I was thoroughly engaged and already mourning the end of the series even before I watched it. It should have been a longer series and I just don’t know why BBC doesn’t show some cojones* with innovative series like ‘TI.” But since it’s already a done deal, it’s neither here nor there…

For you see, in May we had one of those delightful little messages from RA directed to us droogling fanRAbids telling us that he was off being eaten alive by mosquitos in a forest outside Budapest. YES! Our guy landed yet another meaty role as Sir Guy of Gisbourne, henchman to that most notorious of sheriffs…the famed one of Nottingham in the new 13-part BBC series, “Robin Who?” Ehr…sorry for that intentional slip…”Robin Hood.” He teased us in his usual charming way as he mentioned hours of riding a mighty steed with his thunderous thighs grasping its flanks…swaggering and swaying with a broadsword building up even greater biceps…with just a hint of some possible lip locking with the lovely virgin of Sherwood Forest, that naughty lady of shady lane…WHOOPS! I meant to say, Maid Marian.

Well…actually, he didn’t mention that last part in his message. It was mentioned in some of the carefully leaked info. And our fertile imaginations took it and RAn with it heading for daylight!

Also in May, I celebrated another anniversary of the day I was born. Cleverly, for a change, I gave the chiles an actual wish list for both MommyMom’s Day and my birthday. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and he is my TDH BEW son…I am now the proud owner of a new DVD-R burner for my PC (MM’s Day) and a new ALL REGIONS DVD player for my living room (Bday). I must also say that I did raise his TBB BEW sister right too as she came through with a legit DVD copy of my beloved “Sparkhouse” which has already come into close contact with the new all regions player.

Another surprise from boychick and his lovely bride was thoroughly appreciated. They gave me two very expensive tickets (from a scalper) for an Andrea Bocelli concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Tonight on the way to the Bowl, I weaseled the price out of my D-I-L and was shocked to realize that the price equaled the round trip cost of my plane ticket last autumn from LAX to LHR. She and I had fun though…AB was in fine fettle and sang a wonderful array of songs which included my beloved “Le Lucevan e stelle,” “Granada,” and believe it or not, a David Foster-arranged version of “Fools Rush In” (usually considered to be an Elvis Presley song). AB has a fantastic vocal range which he displayed excellently in tonight’s concert and several encores.

We sipped a very nice Merlot from our small glasses, ate a nice, mellow Brie cheese with assorted yummy crackers, and snarfed sushi as we sat under the starry sky, enjoying the ambiance and gorgeous music. Some surprises: The Donald (Trump) and his hair were there and went on stage at the end of the concert to present AB with his platinum record for his latest best-selling CD, “Amore.” The Donald did mention that its about to go DOUBLE Platinum which put a lovely smile on the handsome face of the world’s current fav Italian tenor.

Oh…let me also mention that May was the month where I was the happy recipient of the kindness of non-strangers when several Britsters from C19 sent me goody packages related to said god and his recent production. I am a very lucky brooder gal and enjoy looking at and savoring my goodies. And I must single out IslaJane because she also made me beautiful prints of the first two pictures I put up on this page. I may just finally have to get my ass in gear and send off draft letter numero 14 to said god and ask him to put his lovely “Love, Richard XXX” on one or both. After all, it’s been close to a year now that I’ve been a fervent member of his AACBT, MB and it would be nice to push aside my Doug Gilmour hockey autographed pics for RA’s.

Oh, dear! This is becoming very long…even for moi!

But I do have to mention that I’m now close to posting Ch 10 of “BDAF.” Once JS realized what his small head is really for, he’s been a very quick learner and is showing some real initiative between the flannel sheets of their Yorkshire bed.

I must confess that my typing fingers have now pushed my post total at C19 up to nearly 3700. Really seems remarkable unless one considers that I can use up more than a few on the semi-monthly quiz and the acronym thread. I’ve also been enthusiastically involved with a thread where we are writing a group story and can only add three words at a time. We see to be picking on poor Sir Ghee and there have been moments of skirting quite close to T&D standards.

Yes! As I approach my one year anny of being a droogling fanRAbid and Thorntonmaniac, I find that I’m definitely eager to see said god RA in anything he chooses to share with us cinemagraphically while the TDH BEW HCMO OBM JT still holds the distinction of being a tour de force performance.

Anyway, it’s 2:15 ayem out here on the western coast of the U S of A and my bed is calling. Unfortunately, my kitty boys gave up on snuggling with moi and have gone back outside.

Did I babble and droogle enough about said god RA?

I do hope so!

RA Rulez!

TDH BEW = Tall Dark Handsome Blue-Eyed Wonder
TBB = Tall Blonde Beautiful
D-I-L = Daughter-in-law
HCMO = Handsome Cotton Mill Owner
OBM = Overbearing Master
C19 =
AACBT = Armitage Army Corps of Brooder Trackers
MB = Merrican Branch
Cojones = balls (those little dangly things hanging between a guy’s legs)