RA Gets A Date & The Asylum Goes Bonkers!
RA Gets A Date & The Asylum Goes Bonkers!
Well, it’s finally happened…someone posted a pic of the god now known worldwide as RA and a blonde at a charity function in London on the RA board at C19*and there are now at least NINE pages of frothing about the significance of that pic.
It’s so clearly a posed shot and most likely of him with either a friend or another actor but some of the sisters have just as clearly lost their minds. They are so eager to bleat about anything RA [even I as Queen of the Droolers have my standards] that they have practically gotten RA and his date engaged.
They’ve gone on and on about how happy he looks. The fact that he has his arm around her, etc. Several of us have “gently” pointed out that this type of pic is so de rigueur for industry things of this sort. I forget sometimes that most of these droolers have no experience with actors, industry functions, and especially staged photographs. I guess my experience is showing and some of them didn’t like it at all.
To tell the truth, I thot that some of the posts were just a tad out of line with the “T&D”* guidelines which clearly state that we aren’t to speculate on RA’s personal life. I also wondered out loud why the mods* weren’t showing any inclination to stop it. Especially since a poster on another thread merely sighed that she couldn’t believe a hunk like him was single and there was a mod “Johnny-on-the-spot” to warn against such conjecturing about his personal life. HUH! Foolishly, I voiced my thots on a post and…
Well! Did I become Typhoid Tillie or what! WOWEE! Nasty little PM* from a mod informing me that she had deleted a paragraph from my post and that perhaps I’d like to re-read the whole post AND re-think what I’d written. Obviously, as she herself is a heavy drooler, she didn’t like it one bit that I was chiding the mods for ignoring the blatant and inappropriate speculation about the relationship between RA and his companion. Appointed herself as “Queen of MoRAlity.”
Then, when I went back to the thread, I saw that she had taken the opportunity to wind herself up in a very self-righteous, and I might add, self-serving way about how under-appreciated the mods are in general. Of course, her fav cronies, Frick and Frack, were right there to chime in. The really tacky thing was that she chose one of my posts as the launching pad for her blathering. I don’t know what I’ve ever done to this woman but she certainly has a poker up her butt about me for some reason. This isn’t the first time she’s been preachy with me.
It may be that old “we had him first and we aren’t about to share him with you latecomers to the playground” attitude rearing its ugly, little head again. Especially noticeable in the way they react to us Merricans and to our Ozzie sisters. I don’t know. I just know that there have been a lot of complaints about the uneven and somewhat arbitrary modding over the past month or so. Some real flare-ups have occurred as a result of the sneaky weasels who whine to their buddy mods about posts and/or the mods themselves taking personal offense at comments and coming down on some posters while totally ignoring others.
It’s really turning me off to the whole website which is sad because I’ve met so many wonderful people there, had such fun reading about RA, drooling over some incredibly yummy screen caps, and learned a lot about the 19th Century in general. That last part was thrown in to make me look like being on the boards is also for intellectual reasons and not just to drool over the various, exposed body parts of said god.
And having a dreadful head cold come upon me at the same time has NOT helped my general outlook at all. Dripping nose, sneezing nearly nonstop, coughing, wheezing, feeling feverish and now a chest full of congestion have really dulled me and made me crabby.
Luckily, my sweet, special friends on the site have been bolstering me up in private PMs. And even offering sane advice which I am currently heeding. Of course, I wrote down my angry thots and put them aside, per usual. It’s always good to get them out of me and down on cyber-paper. But, like this cursed letter now on its ELEVENTH draft I’ve been writing to the god now known worldwide as RA, there is a strong possibility that my angry thots will never be seen by other than my blue eyes.
I should mention something about the god right now. This whole entry has been about other things. And I’d really much rather blather on about his loveliness. Although, he did look extremely pale and very thin in this pic which caused me some concern. Hopefully, he’s hasn’t turned Vegan on us or anything. Those strict Veggie types always look so unhealthy. Anyway, I had to seek out one of my buds who had seen him at London Bridge Station within the same time period to make sure that he was still TDH* IRL* as she savored him visually. She assured me that he didn’t look like Dracula’s younger brother when she saw him so I settled comfortably back down into droolhood again.
One funny thing was that his gorgeous and usually totally engaged with the camera eyes did look just a tad unfocused in the pic so he might have been bending the elbow a bit during dinner. LOL!
“Macbeth” is the next RA project on the menu. He will be “Macduff” who has been transported into a head waiter in a 4 or 5 * restaurant. It will be broadcast by the BBC in the U.K. on 14th of November. Not that far away. My source will be capturing it pour moi but I actually want to see the other productions in the series also. Everyone is who is anyone in British TV is in one or another of the four plays. Evidently, they are all being done in modern-day settings so that should be tres interessante. Also, I believe that Brian Percival (Director, “N&S”*) will helm “Much Ado About Nothing.”
Also, I believe that the region 1 DVD of “N&S” will be released here in the States on the very same day. How propitious! I can’t wait to lounge around on my sofa again and watch our beloved John Thornton woo his lady fair in his own inimitable way instead of sitting here at my PC with the monitor tilted at a weird angle so I can catch sight of every lovely expression on his face. And now that I think of it, the whole Shakespeare series will be released on DVD around that time. Looks like we fanRAbids will have a plethora of DVD treats to savor visually as we study his acting techniques. And drool just a little.
Oh, God! Every time that I cough, my back aches. It’s one of those deep, creepy chest colds now. Hopefully, it will abandon me by week’s end as my boychick and D-I-L leave for their Cabo San Lucas trip with friends then. The Boo Boy* and I will be having an extended date from Saturday to Wednesday so I hope to feel up to doing fun things with him. He’s such a sweet and interesting little being. Reminds me more and more of boychick when he was this age.
Boo Boy was beside himself over Halloween this year. Costume was Buzz Lightyear. He and I decorated the yard, front of house, my place, and inside of theirs. It’s always fun to see the joy on a small child’s face over something like that.
Wondering about now what costume RA would have worn. Hmm…did wear?
I’m now sinking into pathetic conjecturing about his personal life. Slapping my typing fingers in shame. Time to end this one, I fear…snot is clouding my ability to drool!
There is but one beacon of light and that is the secure knowledge that…
RA Rulez!
C19 = C19.proboards53.com [home of both N&S and RA boards]
T&D = Taste & Decency Guidelines on C19
Mod = Moderators on C19
PM = Private Messengering
TDH = Tall, Dark, and Handsome
IRL = In Real Life
D-I-L = Daughter-in-Law
Boo Boy = Grandson
I'm late to the party, having discovered N&S only a few months ago, but M Y G O D, T H A T M A N. After excessive Googling, I discovered your blog and just want to say, "Amen, sister. Keep at it!"
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