RA to be 1st 2006 "BOTW" on Meg Wood's Site!
RA to be 1st 2006 “BOTW” on Meg Wood’s Site!
RA = Richard Armitage, British Actor
Who, you might ask, is Meg Wood?
Well, in my estimation, she is a brooder tracker extra-ordinaire! She has a wonderful site located at:
Even if she weren’t planning to honor the god now known worldwide as RA as her first 2006 “boyfriend of the week,” I’d have to recommend her site. I just love her straight-forward and very humorous style of writing about all of those delicious brooder types that she’s discovered throughout the past six years or so. She seems to peg exactly what it is that makes them all so appealing to us unabashed drooglers.*
Of course, she also displays more intellectual leanings by posting her thots about books and movies also. Those are the plump, ripe cherries on her brooder sundaes!
So, as a dedicated, web-card carrying fanRAbid and brooder tracker of the first order, I immediately provided the lovely Meglet with the means of viewing various productions featuring/starring said god.
Unfortunately, as our dear sister is located in the wet and drippy Seattle, right here on the Merrican side of the pond, she had only seen him in “N&S.”* While the TDH* HCMO* JT* certainly has more than sufficient appeal to peak the tracking abilities of any real brooder gal, there is something quite magical about seeing him in his various other roles in “SH,”* “BTS,”* “CF5,”* “TGH,”* “MA,”* and even “UF2,” “Casualty,” and “Doctors.”
And as of approximately 12:38 pm on the 4th day of January, Miz Wood has had that particular option within her purview.
Yes, these tracking fingers had a hand in honing that option.
So, it is now all in her hands...and in the eye of that beholder!
As a beholder myself, I wanted to share another droogleworthy cap of said god to behold!
RA being...well, RA! And looking quite handsome as he does so! Don’t you agree?!
It’s been over a month since I updated this blog!!
Christmas...darling dotter’s visit for the holidays... conniving about how and when to treat her and half-ensnared D-I-L* to first viewing ever of “N&S” and said god...New Years, de-decoration of house and yard, etc. all seemed to divert me from long patches of quality droogling!
Actually, the last sentence is somewhat dissembling, as I had plenty of occasions to droogle and chose to avail myself of most of those occasions. Just last night, there was the lovely JS* on my TV-DVD combo, in Ep 3 of “SH” striding handsomely out of his front door at 44 Elizabeth Street, asking CB* “Is this a joke?” in response to her question at the end of Ep 2, “Do ya wanna marry me?”
Once his broad chesticles were measured for his new suit and his hair was cut so deliciously in the “Haircut” scene, I allowed my weary eyelashes to flutter downward to rest prettily against my flushed cheeks. A moment later, I was snoring my way into dreamland with fond memories of just how well those snug jeans hugged his yummy thighs in that first “walking toward the camera” scene of Ep 3.
Of course, I also made note of his excellent interpretive abilities in all scenes and handsome factor was only incidental!
Once a droogler; always a droogler!! And trust moi, said god has the amazing ability to whet those droogling ducts with just a look into the camera with his glorious liquid pools of blue, a purposeful stride to or away from the all-telling eye of the camera especially in well-cut garb, or even with a gentle, sweet smile at another character.
Golly gee! How could I forget to mention that said god wrote to us again right before Christmas. Very nice message which was posted to the www.richard-armitage.com site.
The gist of his message being...oh, well, he says it better than I could...” Just to wish you a Happy 1st Birthday, Merry Christmas and a great New Year, thanks for your continued love and support through 2005, I hope next year will be as much fun. I have been finishing off sound edits etc for 'The Impressionists' and have a couple of new potential projects for next year but will have to keep them under wraps for now! Sorry.”
Then he mentions something sweet about not sending him any more Christmas cards and gifts but sending them off to folks more in need than he. Obviously, he’s being rather overwhelmed by the effusive fanRAbids amongst us! LOL!
He goes on to say...”...An apology for missing 'The Milton Experience' I heard all about it, you lot are fast becoming Trekkies!!! And a final cheers (with a pint of best Yorkshire ale!) Have a great Christmas, see you next year.
p.s Brilliant result with the Children in Need auction...you're the best X “
Not sure whether or not I mentioned that a group of us from C19 actually won the afore-mentioned auction on ebay.co.uk. He had personally autographed both a DVD and a paperback version of “North and South.” We bid 540 BPS so two of us lucky boogers will eventually win our own group lottery and claim said items for our very own. Not thinking that there’s much chance of either one winging its merry way across the pond and into my hot, little hands but stranger things have happened.
Confession time!
I did NOT mail my twelfth draft of the letter to said god as I expected to on the 3rd of November 2005. I really did intend to mail it. Had it already to go. Even circled around the parking lot of the local post office on several occasions.
Then...I faltered. It just creeped me out that I was writing to him so presumptively. At this point, he must just be inundated with droogly, corny, effusive, simpering, gooey letters of RAdoration. I mean does he really need a letter from moi to contend with? It’s so yesterday for an email maven comme moi anyway. I like the spontaneity of dashing off an email lickety split. Writing a letter is so laborious and I can become so verbose in that milieu. Perhaps, I’ll just print out all of my versions, bind them up, pen a dedication to him, and let him have a good laugh at the various stages of drooglehood elucidated therein.
Or perhaps I’ll do something a tad more constructive and finish one of the umpteen fanfic stories I’ve started. Some are even clever and interesting unlike the letter that seems to be a mix between a slightly overage teen droogler and a serious film critic.
I don’t know...it’s now been six months since I first discovered both “N&S” and said god at the same moment. The wine has mellowed into a savoring stage rather than a shouting it from the rooftops inclination. The RAdmiration has not been dulled but become more personal. The need is not there to froth to one and all but to the selected few who might just be seeking such a mature wine for their palates.
Although, I did shamelessly print out a one-page 2006 calendar which features a LARGE “Blue-Eyed Wonder” photo over twice the size of the teeny, weeny months’ portion. And it doeth perch high atop the large, red binder of my insightful poetry...which is atop the combo fax/printer/copier machine that I bought months ago and have yet to set up. Said machine being of just the right height to propel calendar up to a perfect position where the “BEW” can look benevolently, searchingly, and quite handsomely down into my averted gaze often and much.
Ahhh...did finally post my fanfic, “Down (at) Fleece” (teaser) at C19* and (full story) at “AAAD.”* This little ditty does feature my ode to the one known as JS* in “SH” and a slightly different CB.*
I labored bloody ‘ard to get JS’ Yorkshire dialogue sounding like it should. Luckily, my CB is a “Merrican” so she was easier to write.
And I’m proud to say that I managed to sneak in both “owt”* and “nowt”* naturally.
Thus far, the response seems to be favorable by the readers cum JS drooglers. Now, it’s time to turn my eyes, my creativity, and my typing fingers to either Leigh Richards (“Cool Temps Rising”) or Doc Alec (“Doctor McDreamy”) and finish writing either one.
Of course, just as I reached for “CTR” earlier this afternoon, I had an idea for another one which is tentatively entitled, “Ultimate Ian,” based quite obviously on Capt. Ian MacElwaine from “UF2.” God only knows where that handsome rogue will lead moi. So far, it’s only been off into his story for two and a half pages of text.
Anyway...I’m feeling weary...too many late nights of reading and writing, followed by early mornings and afternoons glued to the TV watching the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings on Judge Alito for the U.S. Supreme Court position as an associate justice.
Yes, Virginia, this brooder fanRAbid does indeed have a real life also that does not include droogling over said god. It being the more mundane part. LOL!
Where’s my spark today?
I seem boring even to moi-meme!
Better go eat something...my tummy is rumbling for ground beef and French fries. A Pepsi with clinking ice and lemon would go well.
One last thing...I totally forgot to mention that my darling TDH blue-eyed son and equally blue-eyed D-I-L gave me my very own DVD-R recorder for Christmas.
And yes, it has been used well as a tool of converting region 2 DVDs into region 1 DVDs which has expanded my ability to watch said god (and others...not other gods but other brooders) while lounging on my sofa as well as while snuggling in my cozy bed.
Now, if Cupid will only bring me a DVD-R for my PC for Valentine’s Day, he can just forget about delivering some rich, old duffer in person. Especially since there’s a rat’s chance in Hell that he’d be delivering a 34-year-old TDH one with gorgeous blue eyes and a killer smile! LOL!
Good golly, Miss Molly, this entry has really gotten quite lengthy!
Welcome to 2006! And must I remind you...
RA Rulez!
drooglers = one who drools & ogles simultaneously
TDH = Tall Dark Handsome
HCMO = Handsome Cotton Mill Owner
JT = John Thornton
N&S = “North & South” [BBC 2004]
SH = “Sparkhouse” [BBC 2002]
BTW = “Between the Sheets” [2003]
CF5 = “Cold Feet” Series 5 [2003]
TGH = “The Golden Hour” [ITV 2005]
MA = “Malice Aforethought” [2005]
UF2 = “Ultimate Force” Series 2 [2003]
D-I-L = Daughter-in-Law
C19 = C19 Message Boards [http://c19.proboards53.com]
AAAD = “ArmitageArmyAfterDark” [Yahoo.com group]
JS = John Standring [RA role in “SH”]
CB = Carol Boulton [RA’s leading lady in “SH”]
owt = Yorkshire slang for “anything”
nowt = Yorkshire slang for “nothing”
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