RA...Duke of Swoon?"
RA…”Duke of Swoon?”
Well, I did it! Took the plunge into fanfichood. I wrote a story called, “Cheron Space” and posted it as the first fanfic at the brand, spanking new site on Yahoo, “ArmitageArmyAfterHours.”
The title of my fanfic may sound a tad sucky but I tend to stick with my original thots when entitling stories. I liked the sound of it and it is about Amy Cheron space. LOL!
It isn’t really about the god now known worldwide as RA per se. It’s more of an “essence of the man’s finer qualities” sort of thing. Lots of description about the killer smile, liquid pools of blue, strong hands and long fingers, general gorgeousity, and especially the small, closed-mouth secret smiles that he has down to a tee! Yes, chesticles, abs, long legs, and biceps do figure into it also!
Hello! I’m alive, aren’t I?!
My eyes are still functioning as acute scanners!
And, of course, I have always had an appreciation of the finer things in life! Except now it has become an RAppreciation!
Anyway, hope readers get a laugh out of my story. It makes me smile when I read it which is the most important thing since I really write for myself first.
Time to go…I feel another little RA-inspired ditty tweaking my consciousness. That “Duke of Swoon” is whispering my name. Time to get those fingers busy tapping away at the keyboard.
RA Rulez!
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