Friday, November 18, 2005

RA Get Up Off of Your "MacDuff!"

RA, Get Up Off of Your “MacDuff!”

RA = Richard Armitage

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Just a little taste of the “Blue-Eyed Wonder” who is the god now known worldwide as RA!

Have been sitting here tapping my fingers while awaiting the first reviews of tonight’s (14th Nov 2005)BBC broadcast of “Macbeth” on C19.*  Am sure that there will be some moaning about pigs heads and blood from the squeamish.

The “not enough screen time of RA” whiners will soon follow.

Luckily, the thotful, insightful reviewers will be right on their heels to really give me some meat to chew on.

And a little later, when all of my British sisters lay slumbering peacefully in their beds, I will capture it myself for some late night SoCal* analysis of my own.

Be back then with my first hand impressions of it, and of course, the god now known worldwide as RA’s interpretation of MacDuff.  And, oh yes, his general swoon-ability factor which I am positive just has to be evident in this dark, moody, Shakespearean tragedy…

Later then…fanRAbids!

Later has now arrived!

I’ve seen it and swooned…over the TDH* Peter MacDuff himself.  He looks so slender and tall, dressed mostly in all black.  His hair is neatly parted and combed.  The quintessential Head Waiter for a three Star Michelin restaurant.

However, I must join the whiners in their earnest lament….”Not enough screen time of RA.”  Somehow and somewhere between the bard’s own language and this modern-day adaptation, poor MacDuff lost some of his “puff,” as in consequence.  It appeared to my laywoman’s eye that they decided to focus the camera’s lens on and most of the action around the Macbeths, Joe and Ella.

Unfortunately, this focus meant that most everyone else had diminished on-screen time and/or hunks of their dialogue cut so the Macbeths could blather on more.

Of the two, I felt Ella was more compelling to watch, especially in the beginning when she was such a seductive and cunning black widow spider lady, whispering in poor, dumb Joe’s ear about how he deserved the accolades being tossed Duncan’s way.  And wouldn’t he like to do something about it like quit as Head Chef and start his own restaurant…Whoops!  What she actually said was why not stab Duncan to death and blame it on some poor Serbian immigrants as a botched robbery.  

Hmmm…sort of lost me about then, credibility wise.  And each successive murder by Macbeth and/or his lady seemed ill-planned and ill-executed.  By the time that Joe arranged for MacDuff’s wife and two daughters to be slain, I really had to suspend my belief  systems.  Everything seemed so rushed and ill-explained.

But, when it came time for MacDuff to deliver revenge served up cold; it was icy hot.  RA did a magnificent job at showing us MacDuff’s deep hatred for Joe in his last scene.  His eyes have never been such dark, icy shards before.  His whole body language was that of a man concurrently angry, hurt, and vengeful.

Joe, of course, was compelled to run off at the mouth as the Macbeth is wont to do in every scene while this MacDuff uttered not a word other than, “Macbeth!”  All of the emotion that RA conveyed was through his eye, facial, and body expressions.  Lots of good close-ups.  And, when he knifed Macbeth for the second and fatal wound, he appeared to lift his nemesis’ body upward and onto a table easily and decisively.  Reminded me a lot of when JS* was tossing the wanker (AL*) around so effortlessly in the fight scene in “SH.”*  Must be some fine power in those chesticles of his!

However, I didn’t find the scene where MacDuff learns of the murders of his family to be quite as moving as I had expected it to be.  A loud wailing sound was audible right before we saw him react.  Camera was off in Outer Mongolia so we only saw his silhouette collapsing to the floor.  Then he sobbed quietly but we were never given the supreme pleasure of seeing his facial reactions.  Cheat!  For my money, this director really blew it!  There is no actor around who shares his inner emotions through his facial and eye expressions like said god.  And subtly is his middle name…although his Mum might think its “Crispin.”  LOL!

There were, of course, a myriad of wonderful shots of said god’s face that were shared in C19 as screen caps almost immediately.  Some quintessential ones.  Handsome, smiling face.  Serious thinking Thorntonian* face.  Suspicious, sharp-eyed face.  And then a couple that would generally be classified as simply yummerific.  Those, of course, have now appeared here and there as brand new avatars in C19.  Claire’s* (yorkshirewoman) clips of the RA scenes magically appeared not too much later.

Back to Joe Macbeth pour un moment.  I was not as bowled over by his performance as were some of my British sisters.  This may be due to the fact that I have no acquaintance with his previous work.  But, and there is always a “but,” as we learned in “N&S,” I’d never heard of RA either before I saw him as JT.  And we know that he not only bowled me over, he rolled me up, and delivered me to the RAdoration Drool Pool by his performance in “N&S.”*  So, it could have been done by James McAvoy but it just wasn’t.

Joe seemed way too young to be the Head Chef of such a restaurant and very disheveled looking, almost to the point of being dirty,   In fact, all of the chefs and kitchen workers seemed very unkempt looking.  Long, stringy hair waving around as they sang out their dutiful song praising their head chef.  The rest of the time, they seemed to do nothing but stare meaningfully into the camera unless they had a line to deliver.

The whole production seemed way too stagy with a rather irritating fast pace that seemed unable to allow for real emotions to be shared.  Everything was delivered rather rapid fire in the short scenes.  It was almost like watching a play rehearsal in double time where the intent is make sure that everyone knows their lines and cues.  Scenes ended abruptly and then Macbeth was racing off to the next setting as though he were being timed.

JMcA never showed me any real hues and colors in his performance.  It started off at a high maintenance level and just seemed to get wilder.  I would have preferred seeing him raise his stakes more slowly as he descended into his madness.  Keeley Hawkes did a much better job of falling apart in front of the camera.  Her Ella was calm, cool, and collected in the beginning and gradually shared her emotional descent into suicidal mania.

The only character in the whole production who seemed like a real person the entire time was Billy Banquo.  Really nice, long, muscular legs also and gorgeous eyes.

I’m glad I saw it but I’m now wondering whether putting such a heavy drama in the schedule with three lighter productions was just a bit of an error in judgment.  Last week’s “MAAN”* was so enjoyable and flowed so much better.  “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “The Taming of the Shrew” portend to be of “MAAN’s” ilk rather than “Macbeth’s.”

Of course, I’ll watch the whole production again…most likely several times.  Hopefully, I will see nuances in the whole production that will cause me to re-evaluate some or all of my criticisms but I’m not inclined to think it will happen.  I keep comparing it to my reaction to “N&S” which needed no subsequent viewing to attract moi.  I was totally mesmerized from the gitgo by all of the elements of it.  Especially the acting and writing.

Onward and hopefully upward we charge toward “The Impressionists” and RA’s portrayal of the young Claude Monet.  Well, and we do have two more Shakespearean comedies upcoming in this series.

Wonder what RA has upcoming on his plate?  Although I appear to be in a minority at C19, I’d really like to see him do a second season of Doc Alec* on “TGH.”*  Being a lead character in a weekly series could do much for raising his visibility to the general viewing public which he needs in order to be considered for higher profile roles beyond TV.

Hopefully, “UF2”* is wending its merry way to moi as I type.  And I have every hope that his “ILM”* ep will be shown again, captured via DVD, and will find its way into my eager, greedy hands soon.

BTW, cold seems to be finally leaving my body!   HOORAY!!  It’s not really gone yet and I still have back pain from coughing so hard.  Did manage to finally wash dishes last night so now I can eat again and have already had two cups of tea!  LOL!  Now, if only laundry would sort, wash, dry, and put itself away, I would be a relatively happy woman.

Kitty boy, Tom Tigger, is just making that bed look way too comfy for a lazybones comme moi.  Guess, I’ll slip between the sheets and rest my weary eyes for a moment or two hundred.  All in the name of healing myself, you understand…wouldn’t have anything to do with being lazy!

Just had a lovely closing thot that I’d like to share…

RA Rulez!



C19          =“N&S” and “RA” message boards)
SoCal          =     Southern California (as in the USA)
TDH          =     Tall, Dark, and Handsome (usually applied to RA or his character)
JS          =     John Standring (RA’s character in “SH”)
AL          =     Andrew Lawton (JS’ nemesis in “SH”)
SH          =     “Sparkhouse” (BBC, 2002}
Thorntonian     =     John Thornton (RA’s character in “N&S”)
N&S          =     “North & South” (BBC, 2004)
Claire          =     (aka “yorkshirewoman” on C19 and maker of fantastic clips, music and otherwise, of RA as well as of other performers)
MAAN     =     “Much Ado About Nothing” (BBC, 2005)

Doc Alec     =     Dr. Alec Track (RA’s character in “TGH”)
TGH          =     “The Golden Hour” (ITV, 2005)
UF2          =     “Ultimate Force – Series 2 (
ILM          =     “Inspector Linley Mysteries:  In Divine Proportion” (

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Who's Your Momma, RA?

“Who’s Your Momma, RA?”

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How's a sicky gal like me supposed to get any writing done when said god sticks that massive bicep right into my line of vision? I ask you...could any sane woman have resisted drooling over it?

Finally coughed, spewed, hacked, and nose drooled through writing the rest of my new fanfic, “Matchmaking Momma” which I posted early yesterday ayem to the Yahoo “” site.

It was inspired by the essences of various characters portrayed by a certain TDH actor with killer blue eyes and a gorgeous smile!  Hmmm…you might wonder…who on earth could this anon actor be?

The god now known worldwide as RA, naturellement!

Who else would still be inciting my “foolish passion” after all of these months?  Certainly not that pale imitation of a brooder, Fitzwillie Darcy, or for that matter, his fifth cousin removed on his father’s side, Mark Darcy.  Stand aside, Darcy men, Mr. Thornton strode masterfully onto the stage and captured my heart with one word, “STEPHENS!”


But it was really true.  I was busy checking him out while he stood proud and tall on those cotton mill steps…thinking, to be truthful, that he didn’t look all that handsome in the traditional “pretty boy” way.  Did notice his majestic nose immediately and took to it.  But then, I like a good honker (conk) on a guy.  And once I caught sight of it in profile, I swooned.  Not a full-fledged swoon but one of those breath-catching, “Mmmm…v. nice, indeed” types.

Then, suddenly he shocked me to my core when he opened his mouth to bellow, “STEPHENS!”  His face was all scrunched up and mean-looking as he just went for it.  No holding back because he was worried about how he looked to us brooder trackers.  The next moment, there he was in full action, racing full board down the steps and running through the mill really trying to catch that foolish dweebhead he’d seen smoking a pipe midst all that lovely but highly flammable, white cotton fluff.

And he thrilled me beyond belief when he actually caught the guy and began, uh, disciplining him in the language of the day amongst people of a certain lower class.  No holding back, just a right and then a left and then a well-placed kick followed by some more one-two punches.  Shocking indeed to behold but pruriently pleasing also.  I gasped right along with the lovely Miss Hale at seeing this hard side of our hero right off the bat.  But, unlike that priggish miss, I saw him as being a man of action rather than just being a brute.  A real manly man!

Several scenes later when they were formally introduced and he turned around to run his eyes up and down her deliciousness, I was fully hooked.  This Mr T had a certain sensuality about him that I took to immediately.  He looked handsome and real and was unapologetic for his behavior in our first meeting.  “I was angry.  I ‘ave a temper.” He told her coolly with a direct gaze.  No mealy-mouthed, wishy washy, politically correct, limp-wristed brooder this guy.  No siree!  He just stepped right up to the plate and said, “Yeah.  I beat the crap out of him.  So?  Get over it.  And btw what are you doing later?  I’d really like to have a go at pressing my hot lips lightly against your cool ones.  That lush, full lower lip of yours has real potential for some world-class nibbling.”

He dragged me with little or no kicking or screaming right along with him through the rest of that episode and the successive 3 eps.  Couldn’t take my eyes off of the man…especially in the Masters Dinner scene where he was just so smolderingly handsome and confident in his own skin.  Every line delivery was spot-on and purred in deep, rich dulcet tones.  Eyes were magnificent and watchful.  He missed nothing at that dinner table.  Clearly the “top dog” amongst the litter gathered there.  Loved hearing him say, “My workers expect me to be hard…”  

Later on, at the Thornton's Dinner Party, when he turned around in that cream-colored cravat to walk towards the lovely Miss H, I just wanted to taste him myself.  He smiled at her and I grinned back like a goon.  Then, their hands touched in that lingering handshake.  Camera work was such a good substitute for actually being there.  Captured every delicious moment of their fingers slooooooooooowly separating.  His fingers looked so long and expressive.  At the very end, as his long, middle finger reached for a last taste of hers, I did swoon.  Very erotic and sensual.



I do become easily diverted once I begin to blather on about either JT* or RA, n’est-ce pas?  And JS* and PA* and LR* and BC,* etc.  Reliving the moment is so diverting and delicious!

Anyway, this latest story is a whatif about what it might be like for said god if his very own, sweet MommyMom were to get a bug in her ear about getting him married off.  Just had fun pushing him up against a somewhat brash and uninterested Merrican miss.

It’s always hard to write dialogue for the god himself since I generally just want him to stand around looking gorgeous and smiling a lot!  LOL!

Or even better…pressing those lovely lips of his against the neck, arm, and eager lips of his leading lady of the moment.  Tasting and taunting.

It’s been a real struggle to keep these twosomes romantic and not porn-like.  Have resisted the urge to dive off into deeper waters.  I do so enjoy writing erotically-charged, “no holds barred” love scenes in my stories.  I finally started one called, “Between the Real Sheets” starring the actors portraying Paul and Alona from the series “BTS,” which will undoubtedly never see the light of day even on the “AAAD” site.  It is just so graphic as the two actors move from simulated into real sex for their, uh, “art.”  I will savor it by my lonesome.  Wouldn’t want to shock any British sensibilities.  Or any others for that matter.  It’s really tame stuff compared to what my regular readers of adult arousal fodder are used to reading from me but I’m tailoring my current fanfic to its probable market tastes.

Have even cleaned up the language for the most part.

Went trolling off to my anon story writing web page yesterday and saw that I have been v. lax about feeding my hungry readers some tasty bits.  Had some email messages begging for follow-ups to unfinished stories and even a few for ones that I finished years ago.  It may be time to fire up those engines and put some of this unrequited passion into pleasing my real and fervent fan base.  Hmmm…might post my P&A story there with some minor modifications!

Still dying to see the handsome Philip Turner in “Inspector Linley Mysteries: The Divine Proposition,” and masterful Capt Ian MacElwain in “Ultimate Force II.”  Both of them, as well as the darkly handsome Doc Alec in “TGH”* are totally untapped resource material for future fanfic stories.

Feeling better now…cold is really just down to some annoying hacking and head drainage problems.  Am finally able to smoke without hacking immediately.  Therefore, guilty feelings about dirty, smoky vice are beginning to absent themselves from my consciousness again.

BTW, next story on the assembly line will be one where someone with a remarkable resemblance to said god will hit Hollywood and finally be allowed to kiss a woman taller than 5’2”.  In fact, she is 5’10” which should make her stand lip to lip with him when she’s wearing heels.  Am really, really tired of seeing his head bent down, hiding those eyes somewhat, as he struggles to relate to a “widget”* so much shorter while still showing his face enough to act in front of the camera.  Luckily, directors and camerapersons seem to grasp the significance and desirability of showcasing his marvelous eye and facial expressions so camera dips low a lot to capture same.

Seems like it might be time to visit my real life.

However, although I may leave off being in here where the drool floweth ever copiously, this one thot remains constant…

RA Rulez!



JT          =   John Thornton (HCMO in “North & South”, BBC, 2004)
JS          =  John Standring (“Sparkhouse”, BBC, 2002)
PA          =  Paul Andrews (“Between the Sheets,” 2003)
LR          =  Lee Richards (“Cold Feet (Series 5,) 2003
BC          =  Bill Chatford (“Malice Aforethought,” 2005)
Doc A          =  Dr. Alec Track (“TGH”)
TGH          =  “The Golden Hour,” (ITV, 2005)
Widget          =  Short female co-star (usually around 5’2” to his 6’2”)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

It is finally in the mail...My letter to RA!

“It is finally in the mail…My letter to RA!”

I have finally written a letter to the god now known worldwide as RA that won’t shame me!  HOORAY!!  It’s only the TWELFTH draft.  How humiliating to admit.

It was beginning to become a yoke around my neck.  I had started it way back on 24th of July with such heartfelt enthusiasm.  As the months dragged along, I began to hate it.  Even thot that I shouldn’t send one and keep my record pristine.  Which record, you might ask.  Well, the “I don’t write fan letters” record, of course.  After all, it’s such a one-way street.  The letter-writer thinks that he/she knows so much about the letter-receiver based on a bunch of observed stuff from performances and impressions from interviews.

Once it’s been written then the doubts begin to rear their ugly, little, confidence-draining heads.  It’s so stupid!  He’s going to think you’re such a jerk when he reads this.  It’s so long; he probably won’t read it anyway.  It will get lost in the mail and you’ll never know because he wouldn’t answer it anyway.  Or even worse, he hated it because it was so BORING!

You know real encouraging things like that!  LOL!

Anyway, qui sait?  

Communication only occurs when I transmit from my experience and the other party receives from his.

Let’s just hope that he receives it, is not morally offended by it, might even like it, decides I am worthy of an autographed pic, and has at least one lovely, pensive “manly man” shot of PT in “ILM” which he whisks off from a stack of gorgeous photographs, writes some lovely personalized message with a flourish, and signs it his usual, “Love, Richard XX.”

If no…well, I will survive.  It would just be fun to hear from him and to get a lovely signed photograph that I could put up on the wall with my others.  Oh, that’s right!  I don’t have any others.  My wall is completely blank.  Hmm…what a sorry creature I am!

Fanfic update…am now working on three stories concurrently.  And had another idea tonight but want to hold off starting it until I finish at least one of the others.  This dripping cold has really held back the wheels of progress this week.  Normally, I can whip these suckers off in no time, editing and all.  Especially with a hungry, reading public looking for them.

Guess maybe I’ll load up on watching “SH” and “CF” tonight for inspiration.  Usually does the trick.  Fill my greedy eyes with moving moments in time of the afore-mentioned god in a couple of fav roles.  Might throw in a bit of Doc Alec as an added inducement.

Actually almost had a real meal for dindin tonight for the first time since Saturday night.  Picked up boychick and Boo Boy and went to our fav deli.  Decided to order a yummily-described turkey dinner with stuffing and all the trimmings.  Service was atrocious.  The crabbies came upon me when they started out by giving me the wrong tea and NO lemon or honey.  Food was tepid at best when it finally served.  By the time the waiter got around to checking with me, I bitched and he quaked.  Told him to give me a hot dinner to go since the other two were practically finished with their meals.  He brought that one fast enough though so I relented and told boychick to give him a tip after all.  

As we were leaving, my opened purse caught on booth, tipped over, and everything fell out all over the floor.  I picked up all my belongings and we came home.  Reached inside purse for a ciggy poo and NO ciggy pack.  And it was brand new pack too!  Obviously, the creepy, little booger hid itself under the booth.  Had to hotfoot it down to the gas station to get another pack, feeling guilty as this was second trip there today.  May appear to be a ciggy addict to cashiers.  Just wanted one!  Wasn’t even planning a marathon smoke fest due to residual cough from cold.  As this is my only known vice, I felt justified in that walk to ciggy Mecca for more.

Oh, and my dinner?  Still sitting on kitchen counter in its handy carry home bag.  Somehow lost my appetite for real food.  This, after eating nothing but chicken noodle soup for meal after meal, interspersed with an occasional ham sandwich for days.

Sounds childish when I read all that back.  Like I’m punishing the good food or something.  LOL!  Or perhaps am masochistic toward myself.

Time to lure kitty boys in for the night.  Luv to look over on my bed and see those furry boys lolling around in total relaxation, except for Fluffy Guy who walks around meowing for the first hour of enforced captivity.  Eventually, he perches somewhere and begins the licking and grooming process.

Can’t think of anything clever to say in closing…might have noticed that clever is absent throughout most of this entry.  Blame it on the cold.  It has taken down lesser women than I!

Here’s a pleasant, warming thot…

RA Rulez!



PT          =      Philip Turner (RA character in “ILM:IDP”)
ILM          =     Inspector Linley Mysteries, 2005 (“In Divine Proportion” RA Ep)
SH          =     Sparkhouse (Red Productions, 2002)
CF          =     Cold Feet (Series 5)
Doc Alec     =     Dr Alec Track (RA character in “TGH”)
TGH          =     The Golden Hour (ITV, 2005)
Boychick     =     My blue-eyed TDH son
Boo Boy     =     His blue-eyed SDH son

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

RA Gets A Date & The Asylum Goes Bonkers!

RA Gets A Date & The Asylum Goes Bonkers!

Well, it’s finally happened…someone posted a pic of the god now known worldwide as RA and a blonde at a charity function in London on the RA board at C19*and there are now at least NINE pages of frothing about the significance of that pic.

It’s so clearly a posed shot and most likely of him with either a friend or another actor but some of the sisters have just as clearly lost their minds.  They are so eager to bleat about anything RA [even I as Queen of the Droolers have my standards] that they have practically gotten RA and his date engaged.

They’ve gone on and on about how happy he looks.  The fact that he has his arm around her, etc.  Several of us have “gently” pointed out that this type of pic is so de rigueur for industry things of this sort.  I forget sometimes that most of these droolers have no experience with actors, industry functions, and especially staged photographs.  I guess my experience is showing and some of them didn’t like it at all.

To tell the truth, I thot that some of the posts were just a tad out of line with the “T&D”* guidelines which clearly state that we aren’t to speculate on RA’s personal life.  I also wondered out loud why the mods* weren’t showing any inclination to stop it.  Especially since a poster on another thread merely sighed that she couldn’t believe a hunk like him was single and there was a mod “Johnny-on-the-spot” to warn against such conjecturing about his personal life.  HUH!  Foolishly, I voiced my thots on a post and…

Well!  Did I become Typhoid Tillie or what!  WOWEE!  Nasty little PM* from a mod informing me that she had deleted a paragraph from my post and that perhaps I’d like to re-read the whole post AND re-think what I’d written.  Obviously, as she herself is a heavy drooler, she didn’t like it one bit that I was chiding the mods for ignoring the blatant and inappropriate speculation about the relationship between RA and his companion.  Appointed herself as “Queen of MoRAlity.”

Then, when I went back to the thread, I saw that she had taken the opportunity to wind herself up in a very self-righteous, and I might add, self-serving way about how under-appreciated the mods are in general.  Of course, her fav cronies, Frick and Frack, were right there to chime in.  The really tacky thing was that she chose one of my posts as the launching pad for her blathering.  I don’t know what I’ve ever done to this woman but she certainly has a poker up her butt about me for some reason.  This isn’t the first time she’s been preachy with me.

It may be that old “we had him first and we aren’t about to share him with you latecomers to the playground” attitude rearing its ugly, little head again.  Especially noticeable in the way they react to us Merricans and to our Ozzie sisters.  I don’t know.  I just know that there have been a lot of complaints about the uneven and somewhat arbitrary modding over the past month or so.  Some real flare-ups have occurred as a result of the sneaky weasels who whine to their buddy mods about posts and/or the mods themselves taking personal offense at comments and coming down on some posters while totally ignoring others.

It’s really turning me off to the whole website which is sad because I’ve met so many wonderful people there, had such fun reading about RA, drooling over some incredibly yummy screen caps, and learned a lot about the 19th Century in general.  That last part was thrown in to make me look like being on the boards is also for intellectual reasons and not just to drool over the various, exposed body parts of said god.

And having a dreadful head cold come upon me at the same time has NOT helped my general outlook at all.  Dripping nose, sneezing nearly nonstop, coughing, wheezing, feeling feverish and now a chest full of congestion have really dulled me and made me crabby.  

Luckily, my sweet, special friends on the site have been bolstering me up in private PMs.  And even offering sane advice which I am currently heeding.  Of course, I wrote down my angry thots and put them aside, per usual.  It’s always good to get them out of me and down on cyber-paper.  But, like this cursed letter now on its ELEVENTH draft I’ve been writing to the god now known worldwide as RA, there is a strong possibility that my angry thots will never be seen by other than my blue eyes.

I should mention something about the god right now.  This whole entry has been about other things.  And I’d really much rather blather on about his loveliness.  Although, he did look extremely pale and very thin in this pic which caused me some concern.  Hopefully, he’s hasn’t turned Vegan on us or anything.  Those strict Veggie types always look so unhealthy.  Anyway, I had to seek out one of my buds who had seen him at London Bridge Station within the same time period to make sure that he was still TDH* IRL* as she savored him visually.  She assured me that he didn’t look like Dracula’s younger brother when she saw him so I settled comfortably back down into droolhood again.

One funny thing was that his gorgeous and usually totally engaged with the camera eyes did look just a tad unfocused in the pic so he might have been bending the elbow a bit during dinner.  LOL!

“Macbeth” is the next RA project on the menu.  He will be “Macduff” who has been transported into a head waiter in a 4 or 5 * restaurant.  It will be broadcast by the BBC in the U.K. on 14th of November.  Not that far away.  My source will be capturing it pour moi but I actually want to see the other productions in the series also.  Everyone is who is anyone in British TV is in one or another of the four plays.  Evidently, they are all being done in modern-day settings so that should be tres interessante.  Also, I believe that Brian Percival (Director, “N&S”*) will helm “Much Ado About Nothing.”

Also, I believe that the region 1 DVD of “N&S” will be released here in the States on the very same day.  How propitious!  I can’t wait to lounge around on my sofa again and watch our beloved John Thornton woo his lady fair in his own inimitable way instead of sitting here at my PC with the monitor tilted at a weird angle so I can catch sight of every lovely expression on his face.  And now that I think of it, the whole Shakespeare series will be released on DVD around that time.  Looks like we fanRAbids will have a plethora of DVD treats to savor visually as we study his acting techniques.  And drool just a little.

Oh, God!  Every time that I cough, my back aches.  It’s one of those deep, creepy chest colds now.  Hopefully, it will abandon me by week’s end as my boychick and D-I-L leave for their Cabo San Lucas trip with friends then.  The Boo Boy* and I will be having an extended date from Saturday to Wednesday so I hope to feel up to doing fun things with him.  He’s such a sweet and interesting little being.  Reminds me more and more of boychick when he was this age.

Boo Boy was beside himself over Halloween this year.  Costume was Buzz Lightyear.  He and I decorated the yard, front of house, my place, and inside of theirs.  It’s always fun to see the joy on a small child’s face over something like that.

Wondering about now what costume RA would have worn.  Hmm…did wear?

I’m now sinking into pathetic conjecturing about his personal life.  Slapping my typing fingers in shame.  Time to end this one, I fear…snot is clouding my ability to drool!

There is but one beacon of light and that is the secure knowledge that…

RA Rulez!



C19          = [home of both N&S and RA boards]
T&D          =      Taste & Decency Guidelines on C19
Mod          =     Moderators on C19
PM          =     Private Messengering
TDH          =     Tall, Dark, and Handsome
IRL          =     In Real Life
D-I-L          =     Daughter-in-Law
Boo Boy     =     Grandson