Friday, March 03, 2006

RA Rulez More & More of Known World These Days"

“RA Rulez! ...More & More of  Known World These Days”

RA=Richard Armitage, British Actor, of course!

Once again, I’ve been neglecting my sweet fanRAbid blog and have been droogling my way into being a fanfic writer extra-ordinare!  Occasionally diverted by Winter Olympics from Torino, Italia!  And more recently, “Skating with Celebrities” which was just won last night by Lloyd Eisler and Kristy Swanson!  HOORAY!  They skated so beautifully together and really made the most of the whole man-woman thing!  They also posted the highest scores and went from last in the first show to first in the last show!

Back to the god now known worldwide as RA…as it should be!

A little treat from the “RA is the TDH* BEW* with killer smile and long, succulent, muscular legs eye candy” department...Oh, and in this cap, don’t forget that neck!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mmmm...Nice!  V. nice!

Since last we droogled together, I started writing a continuation of “Down (at) Fleece,” which not so surprisingly is entitled, “Back Down (at) Fleece.”  This story I’m writing as chapters and it’s getting a very good response from the hungry readers.  They and I just love my JS* and even my Merrican CB*.

So far, I’ve posted 5 chapters of “BDAF” [short teasers at C19* and the full chapters at “AAAH”*] and have already written four and a half more so I’m ahead of the curve.  It’s fun to see the readers’ comments as they guess what’s going to happen next.  And I even have one reader who is quite prescient about my story development.

My proudest moments come when I read how well they think I’m writing his dialogue as a Yorkshireman and how much they think I’m keeping him true to his character.  I really was nervous about both of those things because JS is such an adored character and with the upcoming release of “SH”* on region 2 DVD {24th April 2006] I didn’t dare mess with him at all...well, except they spend a lot of quality time getting to “know” each other in the biblical sense between their lovely flannel sheets.  Her idea, of course, stolen from moi since I sleep on them year around here in SoCal.

BTW, Meg Wood* finally posted her “BOTW” RA write-up the first week of February and it was a total hit with the fanRAbids.  She had watched all of the stuff I sent her and fallen directly into drooglehood over the god now known worldwide as RA.  Also she gave him a very high rating:  99.295 on the MacGyver Scale.

A bit of brouhaha has erupted over the lack of updates on* and over the general lameness of the site itself.  Especially since its webmistress was bragging that RA himself had finally decided to make it his “official” one.  

All I could think was you poor, misguided schlump!  It’s the most dreadful excuse for a fansite I’ve ever seen.  Especially when contrasted with the magnificent one that Eli’s done for the “Armitage Army” site*.  Night and day! still has Christmas decorations up for God’s sake!

I was forced by my erupting reactions to the above news to post rather truthful thots on threads at both the C19 and on the Yahoo “AA” sites.  Made some friends of those who formerly viewed me with great suspicion.  Seems that everyone is afraid of saying that the Empress is naked!

Also, I was galvanized to write a thirteenth, yes fanRAbids, a thirteenth draft of a letter to RA because of this whole maybe becoming his official site thing.  I just hate to see him dub it thus and then realize that it is a piece of doggy doo doo.  He deserves much better and between his awful page at his agency and the equally awfulness of, I sadly fear that said god needs to re-think his potential “conference” of officialdomness on it.

I just think that he’s busy working at being the best RA, BA* that he can be and it’s awfully hard promoting yourself when you’re a one man show.  We fanRAbids do our best by spanning the web world with our droogling and fine analysis of his body parts and sensuality for the former and his acting abilities for the latter.

Just Saturday, I wandered onto the “N&S”* page and was amazed to see that it now has 50 incredibly glowing reviews.  Back in August when I posted my “RA is an 11 on the Swoon-o-meter!” review, there were so few.  And these are coming from Merricans who’ve now seen it and have sunk into fanRAbidhood and Thorntonmania.  Many admitting that they bought it solely based upon our glowing reviews.

I’ve been so busy writing.  The story ideas have been seeping into my consciousness even when I’m doing mundane things like driving to the grocery store.  I just whipped off a 65-pager the other night called “Wellington Boots and Strapless Sandals” about yet another Yorkshireman named John who’s a cut above my fav one.  Plus, I have already written 15 pages of one I’m calling, “Reading Myself” about an “essence of said god RA” secretly getting up an online cybership with a woman who writes stories about him and his characters.  Hmmm...sounds familiar, n’est-ce pas?!

The difference being that I like the 5,439 air miles between LAX and LHR so it could never be moi.  But, I really love having him as my muse.  And those essence of him ones generally aren’t as adult as my other ones.  Something about messing around with him, or essence of him, in my stories seems creepy.  And very invasive of his personal privacy.  I don’t mind taking liberties with any of his characters because they have a lot more fun in my stories than they did in their original ones.  LOL!

Besides as a writer, I just RAdore being a voyeuress to the max as I set up my characters in various settings and storylines and then mess with ‘em to see what they do!

It worked quite well with my Bill Chatford* one, “My Christmas Wish.”  I had the loveliest PM* from a reader who’s read it a bunch of times and has fallen somewhat under his spell.  Since I fall under the spell of every guy in my stories, I could totally relate!  LOL!

It’s late right now...and as I greeted the dawn yesterday, I think that I will trundle off to slip between my own comfy, soft flannel sheets and go to snoozeville USA.  If I can persuade my kittyboy, Big TOM, to move from his place right in the middle of where my legs need to be.  Oh!  I just noticed that he’s been joined by his smaller brother, TOM Tigger, now.  Doubly difficult when those two gang up on moi.

I did all my laundry today and washed all my dishes at about four ayem yesterday.  Today, I finally put my Christmas tubs in the shed...big rain is supposedly coming later today...anywhere from 2” to 10” and high winds.  I had the tubs stacked on my patio and today I battened down the hatches on things outside.  I’ll do my grocery shopping early so I don’t have to actually wear my black wellies*.  

It will be nice sitting inside my warm, dry little cottage, writing or watching my horrendous backlog of TIVO’d shows on the living room TV instead of fighting the elements outside.

Yesterday was boychick and his sister’s birthdays.  Yes, my darling chiles share a birthday sixteen years apart.  Boychick spent it at Disneyland and girlchick was in Miami with a friend.  So, it was one of those rare occasions where I didn’t have do even one Bday cake for a beloved child of mine.  I ate a Hershey’s Almond chocolate bar in their honor!  LOL!

See you on the other side of dawn…

RA Rulez!



TDH               =  Tall Dark Handsome
BEW               =  “Blue-Eyed Wonder”
JS               =  John Standring, RA’s character in “Sparkhouse”
CB               =  Carol(e) Boulton, his woman in “Sparkhouse”
C19          =  “N&S” & RA message boards
AAAH               =   “ArmitageArmyAfterHours” Yahoo over 18 site
Meg Wood          =          = fan site
Armitage Army     =  The Armitage Army fan site
RA,BA          =  Richard Armitage, British Actor (as in Google searches)
“N&S”               =  “North & South” (2004 BBC production)
Bill Chatford          =  RA character in “Malice Aforethought” used shamelessly
     by moi
PM               =  Personal Message on C19 boards
Wellies          =  Real, honest to goodness rubber boots
                   (as opposed to skimpy Speedos)
Droogle          =  Drooling + ogling simultaneously