RA Luvs Us Still
RA Luvs Us Still…Luvs Us All!
Well, on the 16th September, the lovely boy posted another message for his personal droolers on www.richard-armitage.com.
It’s a teaser…as usual. He can obviously read us like a well-read book!
Or perhaps, it’s more like the old Pavlov’s dog routine. He shows us a bit of himself and we salivate right on schedule! Operant conditioning at its prime…
Lordy…I can hardly believe some of the things my fingers type! [Keeping up the pretence that they are somehow infused with a life and will of their own]
SIX DAYS and I’ll be on my plane winging away from LAX to LHR (L.A. to London) and my two weeks in the Mother Country. Am still hoping that I manage to spend a few days trolling around Paris also. Would dearly luv to see Napoleon’s Tomb and Pere la Chaise Cimitiere [final resting spot of Edith Piaf, Frederic Chopin, and of course, the bard of SoCal 60’s music scene, Jim Morrison, late of “The Doors,” as well as many other famous people.]
Hmmm…seemed to be a little dry of drooling about the usual object of my drools.
Guess it’s because I’m in high gear about this upcoming trip.
Got my passport!
EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! Who is that monstrous creature on my photo? Definitely needs a good haircut before she ventures onto the plane. I just get sooooooo lazy lounging around in my little Paradise here in the midst of Hollywood. Birds chirping, squirrels scampering, fingers clicking, music trilling, and kitty boys purring. The hair grows, the dishes pile up, discarded clothing gathers in heaps, food in frige turns into strange beings, and hair grows long.
Getting Merrican bucks converted into British Pound Sterling…not all of it…just some ready cash.
Looking forward to two meet-ups in London with sisters from the C19proboards. It should be fun to put faces to posts. So many interesting and smart women on those message boards. Even though many of us alternate between analyzing the acting talents of RA and simply letting our tongues hang way out over his other more obvious attributes, I’ve learned all kinds of interesting and historical things from the long timers.
Also, the kind and generous among them have shared insights and screen caps that are of the extreme droolworthy nature. I’ll tell you that tall, lanky lad can certainly generate some heat.
Speaking of he who is now known world wide as the god RA, I’m beginning to wonder what it’s like for him to be the object of all of this fervor. It must be really strange on some levels. But, very heady stuff, indeed. At times, it almost feels like he dangles himself to see us drool. Hmmm…I may be right!
Sometimes, I imagine him sitting in his home in South London, listening to some pleasant music while he reads the blatherings of normally sane women. I’m sure are of the “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am” ilk. As in, awkward and to the point, “I liked you in “N&S”. Please send me an autographed photo. Love, Affectionately, Sincerely, Yours, Fan Gal.” While others might be slightly more revealing and/or probing. He definitely affects most of us in the same way.
For a quick and facile writer like me, it’s been like pulling my fingernails out torturously one by one to get my thots down on paper. I started writing on 28 July and just polished off my latest draft a couple of days ago.
They always sound really stilted when I do a read-back. It’s almost as though I have an inability to explain myself. Or I seem to think that its my personal responsibility to provide him with an incredibly in-depth and/or definitive assessment of every aspect of his performances.
With a fair amount of honest drool over his droolworthiness.
“Why?” She asks herself. [She being, of course, moi!]
After all, I’m not his mother or his sister or his wife or even his lover. I’m his fanRAbid which means I get to drool but I also get to appreciate his acting. As I gaze at the list of the big 4 up there, I’m sure that I wouldn’t want to be any of those. I like those 5,439 air miles that separate us.
I really like watching him on-screen. He goes where lesser men are feared to go in his performances. Each character he creates is infused with his special energy and life. They become very real to me. I wonder if he feels the same way when he watches them. Or whether he gets into that critical part of himself where he simply evaluates how he could have done them better. I bet he can be a real nitpicker in some ways.
When I used to watch my sweet little “L A People,” I learned not to watch it with others who were “ooooing” and “ahhhing” because I was generally studying it to see where it worked and where it didn’t. I was never content with the technical side of it all. I wanted better close-ups and things like that. I liked doing the pre-interviews to determine which aspects of my guests were the most appealing…a moi, that is!
Also, I’d be looking to see if the interview questions were doing their little tasks in the right way. Sometimes the guests would try too hard and they would be deadly wooden.
Jesus! I just sound so boring today that I’ve got to stop writing right now.
The drool well seems to be distracted right now and it was so prevalent when I first read his post.
Later, when the sun goes down, and I’ve trolled through some of those yummy “TGH” shots of our TDHDIOJS brooder, I’ll be myself again.
Sighing…he truly is the most handsome man in the entire universe and I can’t believe that he’s sensitive about his nose. I find it to be so Barrymore-esque in some caps. Guess it’s my love of classical or Romanesque nose thing coming alive again.
Perhaps, the lovely JS will stare out at me with his pale pools of liquid blue in a couple of scenes from “SH.” Ep 3 has nearly its own groove from so many stand-alone viewings. LOL!
BTW, did notice that in “Cleopatra” his calves are as excellent as I suspected that they would be. Nice meaty thighs and well-developed calves are a godsend to a “leg” aficionado comme moi. Pretty good butt action also. Happened to catch some clothed shots of it in the rugby scenes in “UF,” fight scene in “SH,” and of course, the “peaches” being stroked in “BTS” is the quintessential bare bones at their soft and lovely but taut best.
RA Rulez!
“BTS” = “Between The Sheets”
“JS” = John Standring
“SH” = “Sparkhouse”
“UF” = “Ultimate Force” (Series 2)
“TGH” = “The Golden Hour”
“TDHDIOJS = Tall, Dark, Handsome Doctor in Orange Jump Suite
(“The Golden Hour”)
“peaches” = butt cheeks
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